November 13th, 2015
Forgot to post last week so hopefully I'll remember everything. Last week she treated me for Heavy Metals. I cleared minerals. So the combination of the two of those is really good for me. I have known since I was a little girl that I was allergic to nickel. And throughout the years and with confirmation from an allergist I knew that I was allergic to nickel, chromium, aluminum, and a few others I can't think of right now. Dr. Renee kept telling me I was sensitive to magnesium and not to take it until I cleared both of these. I had to anyway to help go to the bathroom. Since I was cleared last week I've went from being bound up most of the time to very loose. So I'm going to back of the magnesium and see what happens. I think maybe my body is finally using it the way it's supposed to? We shall see.
Along with each sensitivity she always checks me for an emotion that is attached to the problem. With minerals it was emptiness, with heavy metal it was frustration.
She was supposed to treat me for salt this week but tested me with my blood vial and it was weak. So today she did my blood vial and my emotion was Disturbed. She wants me to think lyme and treat it 2x a day.
She wanted me to start consuming local honey but I'm allergic to beeswax. I tried it in hopes I would be ok and I got a very sore throat. So I brought the honey in and now I have to self treat at home. Hold it, do the acupuncture spots, then set it down for 10 minutes. Do a total of 6x then avoid it for 25 hours.
Also tested badly for latex so I also have to self treat and then wear it for 25 hours instead of avoid because it's in everything! Elastic, spandex, etc. But because I did the treatment at her clinic for the blood vial I have to wait 6 hours until I can do another one, so that will be in the morning.
The worst problem this week was I ran out of Dodecin. I tried to buy some from her last week and she was out and said she would order it monday and have it for me in a week. Wellllll....that wasn't good. Dodecin is for pain and inflammation. Seeing how I basically went cold turkey on it after doing 4 pills a day my body freaked out. I had joint, muscle and nerve pain all over by Sunday night. I could not fall asleep because I was in so much pain. My husband had me call off work and I never call off. Seeing how I'm a truck driver I would kill people if I didn't have sleep. Not good. So I looked it up online and amazon was the only place I could find it. I paid the extra fee and had them overnight me two bottles of it. My husband had hurt his knee over the weekend. He broke it in two about 2 years ago and it has not been right since. Always in pain and this extra injury to it made it very swollen and he was in a lot of pain. I gave him some of that dodecin and he's been taking it all week. He's in love with it. Next to no pain, and he's always in pain. This stuff is awesome! I highly suggest it.
I'm pretty much back to the way I was prior other than it got freezing cold outside so now I have those aches and pains on top of it all. Winter never bothered me before, I used to love it because I hate being hot. But the last couple winters have been hard on me and I have a feeling this winter will be the worst one yet.
She didn't say what she would be treating me for exactly next time. She tried diesel on me again and my body said no.
They have a new treatment available called Reams. It tests urine and saliva. Says it will reveal simple changes you can make at home to help you feel better, qicker, and keep your body in the healing zone. So I'm going to do that on the 30th along with my naet treatment.
I love this clinic and the staff so much. The key people are always going to school and conferences to learn as much as they can to stay on top of things. And the rest of the staff are very friendly and nice. Been going so long now they are almost like family. It's something I enjoy doing every week and I have high hopes that they will help me. They are determined and positive. I don't feel pushed into things I don't want to do. They let me go at my own pace. I'm content for now and trying to stay in a positive state of mind.
My chronic lyme journey. How it got started, how I've been treated, what I'm taking, how I'm feeling, etc. I wanted to do this so my friends and family could follow along and hopefully understand what is going on but I also wanted to do this in hopes that it will make people aware of this disease and they can help diagnose themselves or others and get treatment quicker than I have.
Friday, November 13, 2015
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Mineral Do Over
October 30th, 2015
So I screwed up! I did a treatment last Friday for Mineral Mix. I was told I had to wear it for 45 hours because I'm extremely sensitive and allergic to a few things in the mix, which I've known for years. Mostly nickel, chromium, and aluminum. Anyway, when I got home from Dr. Renee's I immediately had to go back out with some friends to go on a haunted hay ride. Then we went out to eat. By the time I got home I had been up for almost 24 hours and completely spaced it. The vial was in my bra and I took my bra off and the vial hit the floor. Only had it on for 4 hours. So that was money out the window! So she tested me again. This time it said 25 hours instead of 45. She said the 4 hours must have done me some good. 25 hours is so much easier than 45! She also tested me for an emotion that went with minerals and it was Emptiness. Interesting. Wish I understood more about these emotions being tied with the sensitivities, I'll probably never know, and hey it might be for the best! I think too hard as it is.
As for my meds, last week Ben took me off the B vitamin spray because I was having problems falling asleep at night. They kept telling me how sensitive I am to magnesium and not to use it until treated fully for the mineral mix. Well I had no choice but to use it. I was having a hard time going to the bathroom still, up and down, nothing consistent. Kept gaining even more weight so I took it upon myself to use it anyway. My treatment is done and I'm still going to use it this week. I have got to lose some weight! I'm miserable, bloated, blah! I had gained 20 in about 5 months and I eat a low calorie healthy diet. Pisses me off! Stupid thyroid! So when I picked up the magnesium again I lost 10 pounds in about 10 days. Feel better already!
I was out of some meds and she tested me on the rena cord and said I no longer needed it. It was a liver/kidney detox, so I guess they are finally detoxed, took forever. I can tell I feel better in that area too. No new meds added this time. Next week will be Heavy Metals. Another good treatment I need.
Am I feeling better? No not really. But when they added 7 new meds on me all at once I knew I was in for a ride. My immune system is doing good, stomach feeling good. Just fighting off the bacteria is bringing me down. Drained....perfect explanation.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Blood Work Results and New Meds
October 16th, 2015
Last week I did NAET for Lyme, Gasoline, had to redo Vitamin A, and Integrity. I was a little weak on a few but she did a 20 minute in office and then I was ok.
This was a 1 hour visit that actually turned into 1 hour and 40 minutes with Dr. Renee and Ben who is a CNHP (certified natural health pro) and he plays biologist. He's the person that did my original blood work when I first arrived at the clinic. He took my blood last week, did a recheck and compared it with my original blood work. Renee and Ben both seemed pleased with the results. Renee said that there's usually not much change. Half of mine had a slight change. For the good.
30 live blood pictures in all were compared
Protein Linkage/Inflammatory Protein - the same, so they want me to increase my protein intake, which is hard for me because I'm vegetarian.
Fibrin Clumps/clotting factor - slight decrease
Rod Form/Bacterial Stage - down a little bit
Germ-Damaged Cell Protein Debris - same
Platelet Aggregation - a little better
Weak Malnourished Decaying cells - improvement
Yeast like conditions - improvement
Advanced Bacterial Shaped Germs - Improvement
Degernative conditions/germs - improvement
Damaged White Cells/Damaged Lymphocytes - improvement
Decay Causing Germs in Cells - Improvement
Also said on a side note "First sample showed markers associated with Borrelia, this sample showing a little less but an increase in biofilms"
So basically, the little bastards are hiding, just like they would with antibiotics.
My immune system looks the best and has improved the most. But our main concern is my consistent and painful IBS. It's very important for my bowels to be working properly and eliminated waste quickly. The "meds" I'm on must not hang out in my body too long. Nothing should! So we are constantly trying new meds to help me go to the bathroom. Gross I know but it's how my body is. Very slow metabolism. Lyme attacking my thyroid, etc etc. Correcting this is quite the process let me tell ya!
So other than the blood stuff, Renee tested all the meds that I was currently taking to see if there were any that I needed to stop or take more of. I think we eliminated two. My husband was pleased that garlic was one because apparently I smelled like garlic all the time, especially my breath. Embarassing!
One of the tinctures, sarsaparilla, was upsetting my stomach so we took that one out. Took D3 out.
She wanted another lyme killer, more probiotics for help with my stomach issues, a few things for immune system, inflammation, pain, yeast, energy.
New meds:
Flora 12 Probiotic - no longer taking the Garden of Life Womens. This one is also refrigerated. Take 2 at night but I can increase if I need extra help with my stomach.
Dodecin - 4 daily with food - It's for pain, inflammation, nerve pain, muscle soreness
Cumanda - tincture - 15 drops 2 x daily - it's a lyme kill product
Black Walnut - tincture - 15 drops 2x daily - to help kill off yeast
DaVinci Grapefruit Seed Extract, 2 daily, every other week take a break, helps with immune system, killing off bacterias and yeast
Desbio Minerals - 13 drops daily in the morning - good for energy
B complex spray, 6 sprays daily in AM. Helps with energy, immune system, and helps process food
This NAET treatment was for my blood vial and moodswings (another thing my husband can thank her for haha). When they took my blood last week they make a vial with my blood in it. It was treated in house and no need to treat anymore because my blood is in me and can't be avoided. I'm supposed to think gas, BBF, Lyme, Blood Vial, and Mood swing when I do my acupuncture at home treatment. Then she sent home 2 vials. She tested me on beans because I need more protein and my body doesn't process them correctly. So I have to do 6 treatments, 10 minutes apart then avoid the Dried bean vial for 35 hours. I also have to do the same for the inflammation vial. I've been having problems with my plantar fasciitis and foot pain. I told her that my pain goes up with I do the epsom salt foot baths so I have to bring in some of my epsom salt for her to check to see if I'm sensitive. I probably am because I'm sensitive to salt in general. I also have to bring in my B12 that I take occasionally to help with energy. I should probably bring in 8 hour energy too, same thing but different kind.
Feels like I've been going there forever but I still have a long way to go. They say 1 to 2 years until you reach remission. She also told me to let her know if I wanted to add RIFE. I do, but I'm spending so much money right now on all the meds and NAET I want to wait until I get most of this done. I still have at least 12 weeks left of things I flagged for on the main list. Then she's going to work on a few things I'm allergic too. She did the gasoline last time and was going to do diesel this time but my body did not want to. She even tested me for exhaust and crude oil and it said it was not safe at this time. When diesel touches my skin it instantly burns it. Also skin allergies from sulfa drugs, chromium, nickel, and beeswax.
I always feel like I've left out some information when I'm typing all this but at least I have the majority here for future reference. This stuff has really jacked me up. But I'm so thankful I caught it before it became worse. If this is the worst and it never progresses, I can deal with it. But I'm hopeful for the day where my good days are every day. I really miss walking, gardening, going to the gym. Today was pretty bad but I started new meds so I pissed off the bacteria. At the store I had to sit down on a bench or chair twice. I've never had to do that. I can usually get through it and then suffer later. When I got home and had to lay down for a couple hours and just rest.
When I talked to Ben about my lyme diet and things I have eliminated I told him I really missed have an alcoholic beverage once in a while and coffee. He said I could have it in limited doses. So today I'm having a cocktail. I'm sure I'll suffer for it tomorrow but I'm suffering with out. Oh well. As a close loved one says "life marches on". Until next time.....adios!
Last week I did NAET for Lyme, Gasoline, had to redo Vitamin A, and Integrity. I was a little weak on a few but she did a 20 minute in office and then I was ok.
This was a 1 hour visit that actually turned into 1 hour and 40 minutes with Dr. Renee and Ben who is a CNHP (certified natural health pro) and he plays biologist. He's the person that did my original blood work when I first arrived at the clinic. He took my blood last week, did a recheck and compared it with my original blood work. Renee and Ben both seemed pleased with the results. Renee said that there's usually not much change. Half of mine had a slight change. For the good.
30 live blood pictures in all were compared
Protein Linkage/Inflammatory Protein - the same, so they want me to increase my protein intake, which is hard for me because I'm vegetarian.
Fibrin Clumps/clotting factor - slight decrease
Rod Form/Bacterial Stage - down a little bit
Germ-Damaged Cell Protein Debris - same
Platelet Aggregation - a little better
Weak Malnourished Decaying cells - improvement
Yeast like conditions - improvement
Advanced Bacterial Shaped Germs - Improvement
Degernative conditions/germs - improvement
Damaged White Cells/Damaged Lymphocytes - improvement
Decay Causing Germs in Cells - Improvement
Also said on a side note "First sample showed markers associated with Borrelia, this sample showing a little less but an increase in biofilms"
So basically, the little bastards are hiding, just like they would with antibiotics.
My immune system looks the best and has improved the most. But our main concern is my consistent and painful IBS. It's very important for my bowels to be working properly and eliminated waste quickly. The "meds" I'm on must not hang out in my body too long. Nothing should! So we are constantly trying new meds to help me go to the bathroom. Gross I know but it's how my body is. Very slow metabolism. Lyme attacking my thyroid, etc etc. Correcting this is quite the process let me tell ya!
So other than the blood stuff, Renee tested all the meds that I was currently taking to see if there were any that I needed to stop or take more of. I think we eliminated two. My husband was pleased that garlic was one because apparently I smelled like garlic all the time, especially my breath. Embarassing!
One of the tinctures, sarsaparilla, was upsetting my stomach so we took that one out. Took D3 out.
She wanted another lyme killer, more probiotics for help with my stomach issues, a few things for immune system, inflammation, pain, yeast, energy.
New meds:
Flora 12 Probiotic - no longer taking the Garden of Life Womens. This one is also refrigerated. Take 2 at night but I can increase if I need extra help with my stomach.
Dodecin - 4 daily with food - It's for pain, inflammation, nerve pain, muscle soreness
Cumanda - tincture - 15 drops 2 x daily - it's a lyme kill product
Black Walnut - tincture - 15 drops 2x daily - to help kill off yeast
DaVinci Grapefruit Seed Extract, 2 daily, every other week take a break, helps with immune system, killing off bacterias and yeast
Desbio Minerals - 13 drops daily in the morning - good for energy
B complex spray, 6 sprays daily in AM. Helps with energy, immune system, and helps process food
This NAET treatment was for my blood vial and moodswings (another thing my husband can thank her for haha). When they took my blood last week they make a vial with my blood in it. It was treated in house and no need to treat anymore because my blood is in me and can't be avoided. I'm supposed to think gas, BBF, Lyme, Blood Vial, and Mood swing when I do my acupuncture at home treatment. Then she sent home 2 vials. She tested me on beans because I need more protein and my body doesn't process them correctly. So I have to do 6 treatments, 10 minutes apart then avoid the Dried bean vial for 35 hours. I also have to do the same for the inflammation vial. I've been having problems with my plantar fasciitis and foot pain. I told her that my pain goes up with I do the epsom salt foot baths so I have to bring in some of my epsom salt for her to check to see if I'm sensitive. I probably am because I'm sensitive to salt in general. I also have to bring in my B12 that I take occasionally to help with energy. I should probably bring in 8 hour energy too, same thing but different kind.
Feels like I've been going there forever but I still have a long way to go. They say 1 to 2 years until you reach remission. She also told me to let her know if I wanted to add RIFE. I do, but I'm spending so much money right now on all the meds and NAET I want to wait until I get most of this done. I still have at least 12 weeks left of things I flagged for on the main list. Then she's going to work on a few things I'm allergic too. She did the gasoline last time and was going to do diesel this time but my body did not want to. She even tested me for exhaust and crude oil and it said it was not safe at this time. When diesel touches my skin it instantly burns it. Also skin allergies from sulfa drugs, chromium, nickel, and beeswax.
I always feel like I've left out some information when I'm typing all this but at least I have the majority here for future reference. This stuff has really jacked me up. But I'm so thankful I caught it before it became worse. If this is the worst and it never progresses, I can deal with it. But I'm hopeful for the day where my good days are every day. I really miss walking, gardening, going to the gym. Today was pretty bad but I started new meds so I pissed off the bacteria. At the store I had to sit down on a bench or chair twice. I've never had to do that. I can usually get through it and then suffer later. When I got home and had to lay down for a couple hours and just rest.
When I talked to Ben about my lyme diet and things I have eliminated I told him I really missed have an alcoholic beverage once in a while and coffee. He said I could have it in limited doses. So today I'm having a cocktail. I'm sure I'll suffer for it tomorrow but I'm suffering with out. Oh well. As a close loved one says "life marches on". Until next time.....adios!
Friday, October 9, 2015
Believing more, Bloodwork, and Gasoline!
October 9th, 2015
So this trip I had to do some blood work so we could compare to my original blood work to see if anything has changed. I won't find out the results from that until next Friday. While I was talking to the biologist I was telling him my stomach is still giving me problems. One day it's fine, everything is cooperating, and the next I'm bloated and miserable. So he made a few suggestions to my doctor. Beet root and more probiotic. So I will be starting that tomorrow. Yay, another pill (enter sarcasm).
Then I went in with Dr. Renee. She checked me on all the things I had to do last time. I had a hard time with it all because I got the flu or something for a week. So I put all my to do list aside and treated my cold. I did do the BBF ok and tested strong on it. I was supposed to do 75 treatments of the lyme and only did 55. I was of course a little weak so now I have to do 50 treatments but I can do them 15 minutes apart instead of 30 minutes apart, that will help a lot. And I bought one of her zapper pen things. I won't have to use that mini vibrator for all 10 acupuncture points for 20 seconds each, I can just zap it in one second and be done in 15 seconds! Cost $85 but it will be worth it.
But here is the kicker. I kept thinking is this stuff for real? Is this really working? I've had a few things prove in the past but this one was the real deal. She tested me to see if I was strong on my Vitamin A that I was supposed to wear for 25 hours. You cannot lose skin contact from the vial for that period of time or it will end it all. Wellllll, by accident I dropped it on the floor after about an hour. I immediately put it back on my skin and damn if I didn't drop it again about 10 hour later. I put it in my bra and forgot it was in there and took my bra off both times. Oops. Well, I failed the test for Vitamin A miserably. I didn't tell her what happened. First time this has happened out of all the stuff I have done. Pretty crazy how this stuff works.
Because I failed the Vit A, I of course have to redo it for 30 hours this time. She was going to do "blood vial". Had my blood in a vial and I was going to do whatever with it, but that will be next week now. She tested me for Latex and my body said it wasn't strong enough to treat it yet. But my body did approve gasoline, which I'm VERY allergic to. So, I have to wait 6 hours before I start that treatment myself. Then I have to hold it, zap all 10 points, then set it down for 10 minutes and repeat 6 times. The I have to avoid gasoline for 30 hours and hide that vial behind wood for the same. Next week she said she would do diesel. When gasoline or diesel touch my skin it feels like it's on fire. Seeing how I'm a truck driver and around that crap all the time, if this works and I no longer get that burn, that would be AMAZING.
She also checked to see if I had an emotion attached to the Vitamin A. I did and the emotion was integrity. So she treated me for that while I was in the office. What that means, no one knows but my body. *shrug*
I will be going tomorrow to their customer appreciation day. I'm going to purchase some of my supplements for 10% off. And I might try a RIFE treatment. Depends on how busy they are and what they have available at that time. Some things are free, some things are half off. Will be fun to try something different.
That's all for now.
So this trip I had to do some blood work so we could compare to my original blood work to see if anything has changed. I won't find out the results from that until next Friday. While I was talking to the biologist I was telling him my stomach is still giving me problems. One day it's fine, everything is cooperating, and the next I'm bloated and miserable. So he made a few suggestions to my doctor. Beet root and more probiotic. So I will be starting that tomorrow. Yay, another pill (enter sarcasm).
Then I went in with Dr. Renee. She checked me on all the things I had to do last time. I had a hard time with it all because I got the flu or something for a week. So I put all my to do list aside and treated my cold. I did do the BBF ok and tested strong on it. I was supposed to do 75 treatments of the lyme and only did 55. I was of course a little weak so now I have to do 50 treatments but I can do them 15 minutes apart instead of 30 minutes apart, that will help a lot. And I bought one of her zapper pen things. I won't have to use that mini vibrator for all 10 acupuncture points for 20 seconds each, I can just zap it in one second and be done in 15 seconds! Cost $85 but it will be worth it.
But here is the kicker. I kept thinking is this stuff for real? Is this really working? I've had a few things prove in the past but this one was the real deal. She tested me to see if I was strong on my Vitamin A that I was supposed to wear for 25 hours. You cannot lose skin contact from the vial for that period of time or it will end it all. Wellllll, by accident I dropped it on the floor after about an hour. I immediately put it back on my skin and damn if I didn't drop it again about 10 hour later. I put it in my bra and forgot it was in there and took my bra off both times. Oops. Well, I failed the test for Vitamin A miserably. I didn't tell her what happened. First time this has happened out of all the stuff I have done. Pretty crazy how this stuff works.
Because I failed the Vit A, I of course have to redo it for 30 hours this time. She was going to do "blood vial". Had my blood in a vial and I was going to do whatever with it, but that will be next week now. She tested me for Latex and my body said it wasn't strong enough to treat it yet. But my body did approve gasoline, which I'm VERY allergic to. So, I have to wait 6 hours before I start that treatment myself. Then I have to hold it, zap all 10 points, then set it down for 10 minutes and repeat 6 times. The I have to avoid gasoline for 30 hours and hide that vial behind wood for the same. Next week she said she would do diesel. When gasoline or diesel touch my skin it feels like it's on fire. Seeing how I'm a truck driver and around that crap all the time, if this works and I no longer get that burn, that would be AMAZING.
She also checked to see if I had an emotion attached to the Vitamin A. I did and the emotion was integrity. So she treated me for that while I was in the office. What that means, no one knows but my body. *shrug*
I will be going tomorrow to their customer appreciation day. I'm going to purchase some of my supplements for 10% off. And I might try a RIFE treatment. Depends on how busy they are and what they have available at that time. Some things are free, some things are half off. Will be fun to try something different.
That's all for now.
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Friday Visit Threw Me All Off!
Since my doctor is going away for 2 weeks for a course she wanted to check on me before she left since I started BLt (very strong stuff!). First it made me sweat like a freak! I seem to be doing better with it now. I'm up to 9 drops 2x a day. Fridays treatment was for Vitamin A and my emotion was Deprivation. She asked me what I'm deprived of and I told her money haha. She tested me on the transfer factor. I passed the test but my body did not want to do the medication yet. I have to do another home treatment and this one is for lyme. I have to do it 75 times before she gets back. I can do it at my leisure, but they treatments have to be at least 30 minutes apart. Ugh. I aslo have to do a full treatment of BBF, again where I hold it 6 times and do my acupuncture points, takes an hour. I have a lot of homework. Too bad I can't find the time or remember to do it when I do (stupid brain fog!). Other than my muscles being sore from walking in Chicago yesterday and being tired, I feel ok today. Today is the first day in several I haven't had a headache. Yesterdays headache in Chicago wasn't nice. And because I saw the doctor on Friday night I was all off balance. I had to do my 2 hour treatments in chicago and on the train. A security guard asked me if I was ok at the museum. Embarassing! No way could I explain this treatment to anyone and make them understand. I'm doing my best in this journal. Can't wait to do my blood work when they get back on the 9th. Another friday session, that's gonna suck! I hate doing my treatments on the weekend, I get side tracked even though I set my alarm.
Monday, September 21, 2015
Started the Lyme Kill Medication
I hope everything goes well! I have to go back Friday to see how I'm reacting to my new tinctures that are to kill my lyme. I could have what they call a Herxheimer reaction. Basically my body will hate it and I could feel awful and at worst have a seizure. Wish I was starting it on a Friday. Ugh. Anyway....
Last week we did the NAET treatment for Lyme. I came back in today a little weak and she did another round of it today. Second time around it just had to be done for 10 minutes while in her office, after the 10 minutes she did the muscle testing and I held strong.
I've been having heart burn problems lately and I thought maybe it was the garlic because since I started taking it I get the hiccup burps right after. My husband also hates it because my breath smells like garlic constantly. She said I would have to stay on it for at least another month.
She tested me again for an emotion and this time it came back anxiety. That is something I've been struggling with for a few years. She said that she could make me a small vial that I can keep and use if I start to have an anxiety attack, basically treat myself.
She wanted to start me on Transfer Factor meds but my body was sensitive to all of them. So she sent me home with a vile to do a self treatment. I have to hold the vile and do all my acupuncture points, set the vial down for 10 minutes and repeat for a total of 6 times (approx an hour total). Then I have to avoid it for 25 hours. She said to put it behind wood, that it would keep from transferring to me.
This time my treatment was for Iron. I have to wear the vial for 25 hours and every 2 hours I have to do my acupuncture points unless sleeping. I have to think Lyme/BBF, Iron, and Anxiety while doing my treatment.
The new meds she has me on to kill the lyme are Blt and Sarsaparilla. BLt has multiple things in it. Red Root, Smilax, Lomatium Dissectum, Boneset, teasel, Stillengia Sylvatica, and Black Walnut hulls. It's all organic and all in drop/tincture form.
The Sarsaparilla I take 30 drops a day twice daily. The BLt I have to work my way up with it. I start out with 3 drops twice a day for 3 days, then every other day I add 3 more drops in a.m and 3 more drops in p.m. I work my way up to 35 drops twice a day. I have to take the BLt separate with a little bit of water then take the rest 15 minutes later.
She wants to see me Friday to see how I'm doing on this medication because it's the strongest yet and she's leaving town for a conference and won't be in the following week. It will be two weeks before I see her again. When she gets back I also have to do my blood work to see how my body has changed.
Keeping my fingers crossed that I do not have a bad reaction to this medicine. That could make for a very bad day/week at work. *sigh*
Here is more information on BLt:
Physician-formulated & tested
BLt™ was formulated by a physician & herbalist as a stand-alone or adjunctive support for vector-related issues. Combining science & technical botanical learnings with a powerful phospholipid delivery system, BLt™ provides the practitioner balanced support with optimal absorption and patient response.
Microbial Support - the layering effect
The body’s internal terrain is composed of millions of microbes; many have a positive influence on the body while other pathogenic microbes adversely impact and degrade health. Maintaining a robust microbial balance is essential for optimal health.
The body’s internal terrain is composed of millions of microbes; many have a positive influence on the body while other pathogenic microbes adversely impact and degrade health. Maintaining a robust microbial balance is essential for optimal health.
When a patient is facing serious health challenges that are influenced by pathogens, the doctor may prescribe antibiotic therapy. However, prescription anti-microbials are not always tolerated or effective as a single therapy to achieve optimal health recovery. Many doctors find that nutritional support in the form of herbal microbial balancers may potentiate traditional antibiotic therapy. This “layering” strategy often provides the most comprehensive and synergistic outcomes versus a single therapeutic approach.
Balanced Support
A healthy body continually strives for healthy homeostasis, with all organ systems working harmoniously. When aggressively addressing one aspect of health, organ system or therapy, there can be a disruption of the body’s healing process, while further potentiating dysfunction and disease progression.
A healthy body continually strives for healthy homeostasis, with all organ systems working harmoniously. When aggressively addressing one aspect of health, organ system or therapy, there can be a disruption of the body’s healing process, while further potentiating dysfunction and disease progression.
Researched Nutritionals® offers two targeted and balanced microbial support formulations: BLt™ and Crypto-Plus™. These specialty dietary supplements promote:
- microbial health
- healthy inflammation response
- immune modulation
- organ and & detoxification support
- normal coagulation levels
- maximum nutrient absorption via its phospholipid delivery complex
What to Expect
Patient reaction to these advanced microbial balancers is similar to what one experiences when starting immune support protocols: some patients experience a “Herxheimer” reaction while others do not. However, a patient who reacts to antibiotics and/or other nutritional protocols should start slowly.
Patient reaction to these advanced microbial balancers is similar to what one experiences when starting immune support protocols: some patients experience a “Herxheimer” reaction while others do not. However, a patient who reacts to antibiotics and/or other nutritional protocols should start slowly.
Suggested Detox Protocol
As with other immune support protocols, doctors open detoxification pathways and provide binders to move toxins out of the body. Many doctors incorporate Tri-Fortify™ Orange (1 teaspoon per day) and PectaSol® (three capsules per day) for at least three days prior to commencing and during microbial treatment.
As with other immune support protocols, doctors open detoxification pathways and provide binders to move toxins out of the body. Many doctors incorporate Tri-Fortify™ Orange (1 teaspoon per day) and PectaSol® (three capsules per day) for at least three days prior to commencing and during microbial treatment.
Features & Benefits
- Balanced Organ Support – developed to promote healing and multi-organ support
- Peak Absorption – phospholipid delivery complex for maximum nutrient absorption
- Superior Herbal Extraction Process – organic cane alcohol is the preferred extraction process for alkaloid containing roots & barks
- Soy-free, GMO-free & Vegan
Suggested Use
As with any new nutritional supplement, patients should start slowly. For best results, take away from meals and add to 1-3 ounces of water. If patient experiences nausea, have the patient dose the product 15-30 minutes after a light carbohydrate snack.
As with any new nutritional supplement, patients should start slowly. For best results, take away from meals and add to 1-3 ounces of water. If patient experiences nausea, have the patient dose the product 15-30 minutes after a light carbohydrate snack.
- Days 1-3
- 3-5 drops in 1-3 ounces of water in the morning and again in the evening
- Days 4 & beyond
- Increase 3-5 drops every other day, in both morning and evening doses
- This would take 10-14 days to get to full dose of 40 drops in each the morning and the evening.
- Another dosing strategy used by many doctors is to have patients work up to a double dose (80 - 90 drops twice per day).
Monday, September 14, 2015
1st Lyme treatment with NAET
I forgot to add that last week when she did Vit K that she started treating emotions at the same time. Not really sure how that works but she tests me for all different kinds of emotions and if any come back then she treats them along with the other treatment. 2 for 1. Last week it was FRUSTRATION. Makes sense because I'm always frustrated about something or other. Today she asked my body if it wanted to be treated for lyme or iron and it agreed with lyme. She also tested my emotions and today it was for self doubt.
I had an opposite reaction to the glutathione. It's supposed to give you energy and it was taking mine away. I was very tired and drowsy. So she took me off of it temporarily and said I would go back on it another time. I thought maybe it was draining my vitamin B but she tested all the B components and I was ok on all of them. Everything else is holding strong. I'm a little swollen today for some reason. Might have been that I did quite a bit outside Friday when I got home from work and then stood on my feet for 8 hours straight saturday at an auction.
Next week will be Iron and any emotion that comes up.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Last Three Treatments
The treatment on August 24th was for B Complex. We added in a Vitamin D spray that goes under my tongue. I wish all things were that easy (I hate pills). Previously added the two drops for kidney detox, but I had reaction to one, bad heartburn. Eliminated that one, lowered the dose on the other.
The August 31st treatment was for sugar. She said a lot of people get headaches. Had reaction during and right after treatment with nerve pain in hands and left foot. She said my body was rejecting it right away, sugar is a huge problem in my body. Because I was having heartburn and changed those meds she didn't add anything. She wants to try trifortify glutathiaone next time. It is for energy and inflammation and thyroid. She's unsure which thing she's going to treat me for next. It will either be lyme or vit k. She will let my body be the judge of that.
Dr walker checked me to see if I should do sleep study for physical. He said he would pass me, my weight is my only issue. My throat is clear, neck is under size, heart beat is good, blood pressure good, etc. He said until the lyme is taken care of I probably won't lose unless I do drastic things like very low calorie diet. 500-1000 calories with some exercise. Knowing my body, it wouldn't handle it and he agreed.
The September 4th treatment was for Vitamin K. My body did not want to do Lyme yet. My heartburn went away so she tried the trifortify and my body didn't want that kind. But it was ok with OGF (original glutathione formula)
Take 3 pills in the morning
9/10/15..... I'm struggling with the OGF. It's supposed to be giving me energy and helping with inflammation, instead I feel like I have the body aches like you get with the flu, I'm tired, little light headed or dizzy at times with certain head movements (especially looking down), and definitely nauseated. I started them Saturday and by Tuesday I felt like I was going to throw up. Probably need to take them with food but I don't eat right when I get up. I can't be drowsy at work either so I'm going to move them to a night time pill and see what happens. I also went from 3 to 2 today. Helped a little bit but I was still a little tired and my feet were killing me. Had to take some aleve. I'm not going this week because I went monday and friday last week, this monday was Labor Day. I'll go back September 14th. I'll either be treating Lyme or Iron Mix, whatever my body wants to do. I'll be doing new bloodwork soon too to see how it compares with the original bloodwork. Sucks that I felt so good for a little while and now I feel like crap again. I just think it's this glutahione. Hopefully my body will get used to it.
The August 31st treatment was for sugar. She said a lot of people get headaches. Had reaction during and right after treatment with nerve pain in hands and left foot. She said my body was rejecting it right away, sugar is a huge problem in my body. Because I was having heartburn and changed those meds she didn't add anything. She wants to try trifortify glutathiaone next time. It is for energy and inflammation and thyroid. She's unsure which thing she's going to treat me for next. It will either be lyme or vit k. She will let my body be the judge of that.
Dr walker checked me to see if I should do sleep study for physical. He said he would pass me, my weight is my only issue. My throat is clear, neck is under size, heart beat is good, blood pressure good, etc. He said until the lyme is taken care of I probably won't lose unless I do drastic things like very low calorie diet. 500-1000 calories with some exercise. Knowing my body, it wouldn't handle it and he agreed.
The September 4th treatment was for Vitamin K. My body did not want to do Lyme yet. My heartburn went away so she tried the trifortify and my body didn't want that kind. But it was ok with OGF (original glutathione formula)
Take 3 pills in the morning
9/10/15..... I'm struggling with the OGF. It's supposed to be giving me energy and helping with inflammation, instead I feel like I have the body aches like you get with the flu, I'm tired, little light headed or dizzy at times with certain head movements (especially looking down), and definitely nauseated. I started them Saturday and by Tuesday I felt like I was going to throw up. Probably need to take them with food but I don't eat right when I get up. I can't be drowsy at work either so I'm going to move them to a night time pill and see what happens. I also went from 3 to 2 today. Helped a little bit but I was still a little tired and my feet were killing me. Had to take some aleve. I'm not going this week because I went monday and friday last week, this monday was Labor Day. I'll go back September 14th. I'll either be treating Lyme or Iron Mix, whatever my body wants to do. I'll be doing new bloodwork soon too to see how it compares with the original bloodwork. Sucks that I felt so good for a little while and now I feel like crap again. I just think it's this glutahione. Hopefully my body will get used to it.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Cleared Calcium, Now Vitamin C
August 17th
I cleared the Calcium round finally. This treatment was for Vitamin C. I had to wear it for 25 hours. I also saw Dr. Walker to recheck the areas that I used the "mud". All worked except the back of my right hand so I'll have to put "mud" on my hand for 12 minutes. The biologist, Dr. Walker and Dr. Renee have constantly said that something is wrong with my right kidney. Dr. Walker tested it and said that it's sensitive to metals. I know for sure I'm allergic to nickel and chromium so he thinks those two plus others are causing problems with my kidney. He was going to give me something but I waited to see Dr. Renee since she's been dishing out all the herbals and deciding what I can and can't take. She ended up putting me on two tinctures: Hepata-chord and Rena-Chord. Both are supposed to detox my kidney. And I have to drink at least one gallon of water a day. That's a real challenge for me but I'm doing my best! I seem to have more energy these days. There for a while I would come home and take my work boots off and couldn't get out of the chair for 20 minutes. Now I'm coming in the door and starting a load of laundry, cleaning something, washing dishes, etc. I haven't had energy in a long time so this is a big step for me. (8/22/15 - I pressure washed the deck and patio with lots of energy left!) So I think we might be getting some where. I'm not sure if it's the NAET or the herbs or both but I'm feeling 25% better? If I could just lose some damn weight!
I cleared the Calcium round finally. This treatment was for Vitamin C. I had to wear it for 25 hours. I also saw Dr. Walker to recheck the areas that I used the "mud". All worked except the back of my right hand so I'll have to put "mud" on my hand for 12 minutes. The biologist, Dr. Walker and Dr. Renee have constantly said that something is wrong with my right kidney. Dr. Walker tested it and said that it's sensitive to metals. I know for sure I'm allergic to nickel and chromium so he thinks those two plus others are causing problems with my kidney. He was going to give me something but I waited to see Dr. Renee since she's been dishing out all the herbals and deciding what I can and can't take. She ended up putting me on two tinctures: Hepata-chord and Rena-Chord. Both are supposed to detox my kidney. And I have to drink at least one gallon of water a day. That's a real challenge for me but I'm doing my best! I seem to have more energy these days. There for a while I would come home and take my work boots off and couldn't get out of the chair for 20 minutes. Now I'm coming in the door and starting a load of laundry, cleaning something, washing dishes, etc. I haven't had energy in a long time so this is a big step for me. (8/22/15 - I pressure washed the deck and patio with lots of energy left!) So I think we might be getting some where. I'm not sure if it's the NAET or the herbs or both but I'm feeling 25% better? If I could just lose some damn weight!
Friday, August 14, 2015
3rd NAET Treatment didn't take
August 10th, 2015 I had to redo the calcium naet treatment. Apparently my body doesn't know what to do with calcium (probably why so many bone spurs). She checked everything in the mix and all my organs. Some worked, some didn't. My small intestines, stomach, and kidney are still fighting against the Calcium Mix. So we redid the whole thing. This time I only had to keep the vile on my body for 25 hours. Last time was 35 hours. Hopefully when I go back Monday it will be clear. At $63 a treatment I cannot afford to repeat any, I have so many more to go! Dr. Renee keeps telling me how bad my kidney is. The biologist also said something about it. Hope they fix it! I also finished all my "mud" treatments so Monday I will see Dr. Walker to be rechecked for all my surgery and injection areas. It doesn't hurt so bad when I see him, it's only $20. Dr. Renee didn't add any supplements or anything, she just seemed concerned that the calcium didn't clear and wanted to get that taken care of. She mentioned that some people have a really hard time with it, guess I'm one of those people.
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Current Medications and Supplements
Before I was diagnosed I was on medication for Fibromyalgia. Lyrica and muscle relaxers helped for a few years but just with nerve pain. I had my general practitioner take me off everything right around the time I took the blood test with the biologist. It hit me hard at first and then it leveled out. Just to keep up to date with what I'm taking currently I'm adding the list today and why I'm taking them.
I am currently taking:
1 vitamin E 400 I.U.
2 Turmeric Curcumin 500 MG
2 claritin (ingredient found to kill lyme)
2 garlic
2 coq10 200mg
2 Natures Sunshine LBS II
2 Nature's Sunshine Immune Stimulator
6 Researched Nutritionals Soothe and Relax
1 Garden of Life Woman's probiotic refrigerated
Vitamin E - I have been taking it for a long time. It helps with your heart and immune system.
Turmeric Curcumin - helps with inflammation, I was on this for a little while before diagnosed to help with joint pain
Claritin - I started taking it right before diagnosed and stayed on it after because scientists have found that the main ingredient is killing lyme
Garlic - Dr. Renee just added this to help boost my immune system. It also helps with blood pressure, cholesterol, may prevent alzheimers and dementia, detoxify against heavy metals, and can help your bones.
CoQ10 - I've been taking it for a long time and Dr. Renee wanted me to double the dosage as it will help my joints. Helps with circulation, heart, and cholesterol.
Natures Sunshine LBS II - Dr. Renee added for chronic constipation problems. I was taking magnesium but my body was rejecting it so I switched to this.
Nature's Sunshine Immune Stimulator - added to boost immune system
Researched Nutritionals Soothe and Relax - added to help relax my muscles and helps with joints
Garden of Life Woman's probiotic - I was taking 9 a day and my body couldn't handle it so Dr. Renee brought me down to 1 a day. Helps with healing your gut.
Everything we are working on right now is to help my immune system and heal my gut so my body is strong and ready to fight off the lyme.
I am currently taking:
1 vitamin E 400 I.U.
2 Turmeric Curcumin 500 MG
2 claritin (ingredient found to kill lyme)
2 garlic
2 coq10 200mg
2 Natures Sunshine LBS II
2 Nature's Sunshine Immune Stimulator
6 Researched Nutritionals Soothe and Relax
1 Garden of Life Woman's probiotic refrigerated
Vitamin E - I have been taking it for a long time. It helps with your heart and immune system.
Turmeric Curcumin - helps with inflammation, I was on this for a little while before diagnosed to help with joint pain
Claritin - I started taking it right before diagnosed and stayed on it after because scientists have found that the main ingredient is killing lyme
Garlic - Dr. Renee just added this to help boost my immune system. It also helps with blood pressure, cholesterol, may prevent alzheimers and dementia, detoxify against heavy metals, and can help your bones.
CoQ10 - I've been taking it for a long time and Dr. Renee wanted me to double the dosage as it will help my joints. Helps with circulation, heart, and cholesterol.
Natures Sunshine LBS II - Dr. Renee added for chronic constipation problems. I was taking magnesium but my body was rejecting it so I switched to this.
Nature's Sunshine Immune Stimulator - added to boost immune system
Researched Nutritionals Soothe and Relax - added to help relax my muscles and helps with joints
Garden of Life Woman's probiotic - I was taking 9 a day and my body couldn't handle it so Dr. Renee brought me down to 1 a day. Helps with healing your gut.
Everything we are working on right now is to help my immune system and heal my gut so my body is strong and ready to fight off the lyme.
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
3rd NAET Treatment and results from coinfections test
August 4th, 2015
3rd NAET treatment
This time I didn't need to bring anything but myself. I was told ahead of time that I wouldn't have to avoid anything yay! So I thought for sure I would fail the egg mix test because I was around eggs and chicken all day Saturday, I just didn't touch them. But I held strong and passed the test. Unfortunately Saturday after I did all my grocery shopping I crashed hard. By the time I left the 2nd of the two stores we go to I was starting to hurt. By the time I got home I could hardly walk. I never take naps and I fell asleep on the couch during an action movie that I love (Road House). Pain just wiped me out! I kept thinking it was the treatment. But then I thought maybe it was because I eliminated all of those things I was sensitive too. I asked Dr. Renee about it today and she said that's probably what it was. So she upped my dose of the Soothe and Relax meds to the max to help my pain.
She wanted to boost my immune system before we start the "kill", as she called it. You have to get yourself strong before you jump in and attack borellia or it will attack back and you can have a bad reaction. So we are trying to boost my immune system and heal my gut. She put me on Immune Stimulator 2 daily and Garlic 2 daily.
Then she did the treatment for Calcium. Because Calcium is so hard to avoid and is part of your body and in your bones I have to do things different this time. Instead of avoiding I have to keep this little vile of calcium on my skin at all times for the next 35 hours. So I taped it to my chest. She said if at any time it loses contact to not touch it. Then of course every 2 hours I have to do stimulate the 10 points on my body with my mini vibrator (haha), except when sleeping. This time I'm going to have to do this at work, this will be a challenge. Will have to plan stops every 2 hours, that will be a treat! ha!
I also received my results from my coinfections test that I had blood drawn on Tuesday for. NEGATIVE! Yay! That's a very good thing! Someone with coinfections with their lyme can have a lot more symptoms and recovery can take longer. Unfortunately the person I know with lyme has 11 out of 15 and it's awful awful awful!
Dr. Renee said the great thing about that is she can treat me for all those coinfections to keep me from getting them (hopefully). Once you have lyme the coinfections can happen at any time, the longer you have it the more likely you are going to get some, so if she blocks them now plus all my other treatments I should never get them. Thank goodness!
Seems odd that I think I've had lyme for 10 years and I have never gotten coinfections. Only thing I can think of is my diet. For the last 6 years I've been a vegetarian and try to eat organic. Eat healthy=healthy gut=no added health issues.
So for now, take my pills as prescribed by Dr. Renee, keep this vile of calcium on my body for 35 hours, and vibrate my points haha. And drink as much water as I can. Hopefully my pain will back off again, it was nice to feel good for a day.
Link about Co-Infections CLICK HERE
3rd NAET treatment
This time I didn't need to bring anything but myself. I was told ahead of time that I wouldn't have to avoid anything yay! So I thought for sure I would fail the egg mix test because I was around eggs and chicken all day Saturday, I just didn't touch them. But I held strong and passed the test. Unfortunately Saturday after I did all my grocery shopping I crashed hard. By the time I left the 2nd of the two stores we go to I was starting to hurt. By the time I got home I could hardly walk. I never take naps and I fell asleep on the couch during an action movie that I love (Road House). Pain just wiped me out! I kept thinking it was the treatment. But then I thought maybe it was because I eliminated all of those things I was sensitive too. I asked Dr. Renee about it today and she said that's probably what it was. So she upped my dose of the Soothe and Relax meds to the max to help my pain.
She wanted to boost my immune system before we start the "kill", as she called it. You have to get yourself strong before you jump in and attack borellia or it will attack back and you can have a bad reaction. So we are trying to boost my immune system and heal my gut. She put me on Immune Stimulator 2 daily and Garlic 2 daily.
Then she did the treatment for Calcium. Because Calcium is so hard to avoid and is part of your body and in your bones I have to do things different this time. Instead of avoiding I have to keep this little vile of calcium on my skin at all times for the next 35 hours. So I taped it to my chest. She said if at any time it loses contact to not touch it. Then of course every 2 hours I have to do stimulate the 10 points on my body with my mini vibrator (haha), except when sleeping. This time I'm going to have to do this at work, this will be a challenge. Will have to plan stops every 2 hours, that will be a treat! ha!
I also received my results from my coinfections test that I had blood drawn on Tuesday for. NEGATIVE! Yay! That's a very good thing! Someone with coinfections with their lyme can have a lot more symptoms and recovery can take longer. Unfortunately the person I know with lyme has 11 out of 15 and it's awful awful awful!
Dr. Renee said the great thing about that is she can treat me for all those coinfections to keep me from getting them (hopefully). Once you have lyme the coinfections can happen at any time, the longer you have it the more likely you are going to get some, so if she blocks them now plus all my other treatments I should never get them. Thank goodness!
Seems odd that I think I've had lyme for 10 years and I have never gotten coinfections. Only thing I can think of is my diet. For the last 6 years I've been a vegetarian and try to eat organic. Eat healthy=healthy gut=no added health issues.
So for now, take my pills as prescribed by Dr. Renee, keep this vile of calcium on my body for 35 hours, and vibrate my points haha. And drink as much water as I can. Hopefully my pain will back off again, it was nice to feel good for a day.
Link about Co-Infections CLICK HERE
My 2nd NAET treatment was for Egg Mix. Dr. Renee also had me bring all of my supplements and prescriptions and also my tap water, bottled water, water with lemon and chai roobios tea (all the things I drink). She tested me first on the BBF to see if it was still holding strong and it was. Next she tested all my drinks. I was weak on the tap water but she said that's because I'm weak on minerals, that once she clears me of that then the tap water won't be a problem but no need to avoid it until then. The other weak drink was the bottled water with lemon. When she tested me for Vitamin C my body was rejecting it, so she told me to hold off on the lemon for now. It sucks because that's the main thing they told me to drink for Lyme.
On my prescriptions everything was fine to take. As for everything else, that was a problem. I had very few things that I could contine to take.
I was sensitive to: Lemon Water, Vitamin C, Daily Vitamin, Relax and Sleep (natural pill), Calcium, D3, Mucinex, and Magnesium.
I was ok to take: Vitamin E, CoQ10 (she wanted me to add another pill), Turmeric, and then I was taking 9 probiotics a day...she took me down to 1.
Because I was having problems with constipation and the probiotics were helping me, she added LBS. And because I couldn't take the Relax and Sleep pills she put me on Soothe and Relax (helps with relaxing muscles and joint pain).
Then after she treated me for the egg mix I had very strict orders for the next 25 hours. I had to avoid everything that has to do with a chicken. You don't realize how hard that is until you have to do it. Here's the list:
YOU MAY NOT EAT OR TOUCH: egg white, egg yolk, chicken, tetracycline and all foods containing egg or chicken including crackers, cookies, soups, breads, mayonnaise, salad dressings that contain egg product, cakes, pastries, pies, pancakes, foods baked or fried in batter and thick sauces. Also avoid, birds, feather pillows, comforters, vitamins and protein drinks made with egg, shampoos, conditioners and skin lotions with egg products.
And then I had to stimulate 10 points on my body, something like acupuncture. You can use this zapper thing but it costs $85 but only takes you 15 seconds to finish it. Or you can use this mini vibrator like thing and do each point for 15 to 20 seconds, and that cost $15. Or you can use your finger to massage at each point but you had to do it for 30-45 seconds each spot. Confusing I know, but to bring the time down I bought the $15 vibrator haha. Yeah yeah I know.
Problem with all this is, it's Friday. I normally have an omelet on Saturday morning, so oatmeal for breakfast it is. Sigh!
She asked me how I was feeling since the last treatment and I got thinking about it and I actually felt better. I used to come home, sit down and untie my work boots, then sit there for 15 to 30 minutes before I could get up to do anything. I found myself getting up right away. The day of the egg mix treatment I had the most energy I've had in a long time. Hell I drove 517 miles at work, went to 6 places after....and I don't like to shop at multiple stores, but I did it and never had a problem! Things looking up?
My 2nd NAET treatment was for Egg Mix. Dr. Renee also had me bring all of my supplements and prescriptions and also my tap water, bottled water, water with lemon and chai roobios tea (all the things I drink). She tested me first on the BBF to see if it was still holding strong and it was. Next she tested all my drinks. I was weak on the tap water but she said that's because I'm weak on minerals, that once she clears me of that then the tap water won't be a problem but no need to avoid it until then. The other weak drink was the bottled water with lemon. When she tested me for Vitamin C my body was rejecting it, so she told me to hold off on the lemon for now. It sucks because that's the main thing they told me to drink for Lyme.
On my prescriptions everything was fine to take. As for everything else, that was a problem. I had very few things that I could contine to take.
I was sensitive to: Lemon Water, Vitamin C, Daily Vitamin, Relax and Sleep (natural pill), Calcium, D3, Mucinex, and Magnesium.
I was ok to take: Vitamin E, CoQ10 (she wanted me to add another pill), Turmeric, and then I was taking 9 probiotics a day...she took me down to 1.
Because I was having problems with constipation and the probiotics were helping me, she added LBS. And because I couldn't take the Relax and Sleep pills she put me on Soothe and Relax (helps with relaxing muscles and joint pain).
Then after she treated me for the egg mix I had very strict orders for the next 25 hours. I had to avoid everything that has to do with a chicken. You don't realize how hard that is until you have to do it. Here's the list:
YOU MAY NOT EAT OR TOUCH: egg white, egg yolk, chicken, tetracycline and all foods containing egg or chicken including crackers, cookies, soups, breads, mayonnaise, salad dressings that contain egg product, cakes, pastries, pies, pancakes, foods baked or fried in batter and thick sauces. Also avoid, birds, feather pillows, comforters, vitamins and protein drinks made with egg, shampoos, conditioners and skin lotions with egg products.
And then I had to stimulate 10 points on my body, something like acupuncture. You can use this zapper thing but it costs $85 but only takes you 15 seconds to finish it. Or you can use this mini vibrator like thing and do each point for 15 to 20 seconds, and that cost $15. Or you can use your finger to massage at each point but you had to do it for 30-45 seconds each spot. Confusing I know, but to bring the time down I bought the $15 vibrator haha. Yeah yeah I know.
Problem with all this is, it's Friday. I normally have an omelet on Saturday morning, so oatmeal for breakfast it is. Sigh!
She asked me how I was feeling since the last treatment and I got thinking about it and I actually felt better. I used to come home, sit down and untie my work boots, then sit there for 15 to 30 minutes before I could get up to do anything. I found myself getting up right away. The day of the egg mix treatment I had the most energy I've had in a long time. Hell I drove 517 miles at work, went to 6 places after....and I don't like to shop at multiple stores, but I did it and never had a problem! Things looking up?
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
July 27th, 2015
Dr. Renee suggested I visit with Dr. Walker again for some more blood work. She also asked me about scars from surgery and said that he had some "mud" that might help me with that. Yes strange, but hey, if it helps, why not?
I went to see Dr. Walker and we gathered the paperwork and viles to do the co-infections testing. This kinda sums up co infection testing (which is actually covered by insurance, yay!)
"A person with a co-infection generally experiences more severe illness, more symptoms, and a longer recovery. The CDC recommends that physicians consider possible co-infection with babesia or anaplasma when patients have more severe symptoms of Lyme disease. However, other co-infections may be present as well.
The muscle testing and scar test showed that I had issues with the area on my neck where I had cortisone shots. I'm hoping it works because I've been having kidney pain, urinary tract infections. and thyroid problems. Read more about this treatment below.
Dr. Renee suggested I visit with Dr. Walker again for some more blood work. She also asked me about scars from surgery and said that he had some "mud" that might help me with that. Yes strange, but hey, if it helps, why not?
I went to see Dr. Walker and we gathered the paperwork and viles to do the co-infections testing. This kinda sums up co infection testing (which is actually covered by insurance, yay!)
"A person with a co-infection generally experiences more severe illness, more symptoms, and a longer recovery. The CDC recommends that physicians consider possible co-infection with babesia or anaplasma when patients have more severe symptoms of Lyme disease. However, other co-infections may be present as well.
Since Lyme disease was first identified in 1981, researchers have found more than 15 tick-borne pathogens that weren’t known before. New ones are still being discovered. In 2011, Borrelia miyamotoi was identified as a cause of disease and recently recognized by the CDC in the United States. Commercial tests are not available for all tick-borne diseases, including infection with B. miyamotoi or Powassan virus."
After we gathered all of that info we talked about quite a few health problems I've been having short term and long term. He had tried to do the muscle testing (aka applied kinesiology) on me the first time and my body wouldn't react. Well this time it reacted. Here is a link to learn more about muscle testing CLICK HERE
- QRA can find the real root cause of illness. Using QRA, I am able to better understand what is happening in your body. I muscle-test the traditional acupressure points (through clothing), to determine the organs and glands that are under stress and determine the remedies they need to heal.
- QRA precisely identifies the best combinations of nutritional formulas for you
- QRA can identify the precise dose you need to heal.
- QRA is invaluable when treating all chronic conditions and conditions that have been unresponsive to other treatment.
- QRA is useful also when working with patients who are on medications.
- QRA is useful to monitor client’s progress and to ascertain how to take healing to the next level.
Scars, Trauma, Injuries and Vaccination Sites
- QRA can identify and clear chronic interference fields. Using QRA, I can find and remove chronic interference fields caused by trauma to the body, scars, surgical pins, dental toxicity etc. These Interference Fields can reflex through the meridian system to distant and unrelated body sites and create symptoms that until now have been unresponsive to treatment. Note that the size of an interference field, eg scar, does not relate to its importance. For example, larger scars are likely to be more troublesome, but a very small scar can also be highly reactive and create symptoms. Note that it is not the scar itself but the reflex area that creates the symptoms.The solution is to mudpack the interference fields so that energy flow is restored correctly and the symptoms experienced, resolve. I have found that mud-packing of scars, vaccination sites and trauma sites can have amazing results with all sorts of conditions. For example, one of my clients had high blood pressure (hypertension) for twenty years. I found that a large abdominal scar was reflexing to his kidneys and disrupting their messages, resulting in continually elevated blood pressure. His blood pressure is now steady in the normal range following QRA treatment with remedies and mud-packing.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
First NAET treatment & IGENEX Bloodwork results are in
This one shows sensitivities, such as allergies. I've known for awhile that I'm allergic to latex because I get a rash from prolonged interaction with my skin. She said most people have things that are no more than 200 in range. She freaked when she saw the 760 for latex. I had no idea about baking powder and baking soda or tree nuts! Other tests I had done showed that I had a problem with minerals. And I know that I'm allergic to chromium and nickel for sure. Big rash! So with this NAET she's supposed to cure me of all these problems.
This particular scan shows my Lyme. It's mid range, nothing off the charts yet. Must be why I'm still functioning and go to my job! A lot of those things on there are lyme. Borellia is the bacteria from lyme. Heavy metal can be from the oil, diesel, gas allergy I have and it doesn't help I inhale the crap all day at work.
This is the IgG test result. She said this one is for infections 1 year or more. While it shows a Negative result it's actually considered by Lyme doctors as a positive. Reason being that I had 3 items that were not negatives. 41kDa shows two + to the right of it. She said that means moderate. The two that show IND are inconclusive. Dr. Renee said that if I took the test again in three months they would probably come back positive. Then the whole result would be positive.
This test is for infections that are 1 year or less. I have two bands that showed positive, but they only consider it a positive result if two or more of certain bands are positive. But she said that because I'm showing two positive bands on here she said I've been infected twice. Once long ago and once in the last year. I have not had a tick on me that I know of in the last year. But they claim that you have a greater chance of being infected from a young tick and they do not stick around like the adults do. You can also get it from mosquitoes and they love me. Spiders too.
A main determining factor in a person's reaction to Lyme disease is their general health at the time of infection, as well as thereafter. If a person has been riddled with health problems, has multiple allergies and sensitivites, or is toxic from mold, yeast, or heavy metals, they may have a much harder time. People get sick and stay sick because of a breakdown of the body in general. Once Lyme disease is added in, these other factors take on a life of their own and together with Lyme overwhelm the body. Some people carry Lyme for a decade before any symptoms appear.
I decided to skip the antibiotics. Why? Because antibiotics make the lyme hide in your body and then they come out to attack again later. Do to something called a biofilm. If you want to learn more about that, here are two links:
I only needed a Lyme Literate doctor for antibiotics so I'm going to a Naturopath instead for alternate care. All expensive and none of it covered by insurance. Boo! My first step with the Naturopath was NAET. What is NAET?
This video explains it best: What is NAET? Youtube video
My treatment plan includes detox, treating the infection(s), degrade the biofilms that surround and protect the bacteria, decrease inflammation, and support my organs. It all has to be done in stages, slowly and precise.
Dr. Renee tested me using the NAET system and checked for a lot of common allergies and problems. Every single one she tested came back with some result.
Not really sure what each thing means but after she ran the test on all of those she said we can only clear one thing at a time. So she went through this process of clearing me of BBF. That stands for brain body balance formula. According to the book it says, "This is to balance the overall energy of the body. If the overall energy is not in a balanced state, an individual can experience difficulty in clearing other allergens in the list." I held the vile in one hand and she ran a machine up and down my spine, did some sort of acupuncture type thing, tested me again and I was clear of it. I rested for 20 minutes and they checked again, still clear. I was told to try and not get stressed over the next 25 hours. I started cracking up. I'm a truck driver, no stress? That's funny.
It's a lot like voodoo to me haha. I don't understand it but I'm willing to give it a shot. A lot of people on the internet are claiming it's working for them and there are a lot of videos showing proof. What the hell. It doesn't hurt, it's just money right? Ha! Hell I've been trusting doctors for years with pills, why can't this work?
She also did a Xyto Scan. I placed my hand on this hand sized thing that kinda reminded me of a computer mouse. It's hooked to a computer and it somehow reads my body and lets the computer know what issues I'm having. Very Star Trek medical type stuff. It is explained as: Scans are organized into what are called biosurveys. You’ve probably filled out a survey before; a series of questions that you provide answers to. A biosurvey is essentially the same thing, only you don’t answer the ‘questions’ consciously, your body answers them directly. With biocommunication scanning, the ‘question’ is the Virtual Stimulus Item or (VSI) and your response, which is recorded and analyzed by the ZYTO software, is a change in the electrical properties of your skin.

Two weeks ago I went to a lab and did the draw for the Igenex bloodwork. They are the only lab in the USA that does the bloodwork for Lyme. If two or more bands have a double star next to them your result would be positive and it would then be submitted to CDC. I had two tests done:

So basically I've had 3 different kinds of tests that show I have borellia, which is Lyme. I'm going to continue with NAET because I've always suffered from allergies of all kinds and I think ridding them will keep the lyme from finding other ways to attack my body. The more I heal the less it can attack. Lets hope! I wish I could go through the process quicker because I've been in so much pain recently. Mainly with inflammation in my joints and headaches. I'm fatigued mostly because I can't get good sleep due to pain waking me up all night long.
My next NAET treatment is July 31st at 5pm. This time she wants me to bring all of my medication and vitamins that I currently take so she can test them to see what I need to avoid. And the next treatment will be for Egg Mix. Egg yolks, whites, chicken, tetracycline, feathers, etc. All the components. I won't be able to have any of that stuff for 25 hours after. That's a long list of crap with egg in it. No omelette for me that Saturday morning! Also have to make sure my shampoo, conditioner, and lotion doesn't have egg of some kind in it. Looks like an all natural vegan 25 hour period coming up for me. No problem.
If I can remember, I'm going to see if I can start a few herbal supplements yet. Guess I will post again on the 31st or shortly after with information about my next treatment session. Thanks for reading! Stay informed!
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Just the beginning with doctors
I received an email from a local healing center. For some time I had been interested in going there but kept putting it off. They seemed pricey but yet had acupuncture and I've always wanted to try it. This time when I received an email from them I knew all about Chronic Lyme. They were offering a free consultation with their Naturopath doctor. So I called and got in on June 15, 2015. Dr. Renee was timely and I appreciated that. She asked why I was there. Immediately when I started to tell her my symptoms I could see the look on her face change and it was like I knew what she was thinking. After I was done talking she said "I don't think you have fibromyalgia, I think it's something else. My suggestion is that you come in and see our biologist for a blood screen". I said, "Do you think this something else could be Lyme?" And she said yes. She gave me a bunch of literature on it and I told her all I knew and she seemed shocked and maybe impressed that I knew so much. Because of her reaction I just had to know. So I scheduled this blood test.
June 16, 2015, the day after my visit with Dr. Renee, I had an appointment with my regular physician. I wanted so badly to discuss Lyme with him. Just to see what he had to say. Up to that point he had been nothing but a pill pusher. He loved writing scripts. So I told him Lyrica, the medicine for Fibro, wasn't working anymore. He wanted to up the dose, of course. I said we already tried that and it made me drowsy and I can't use medication that makes me drowsy because I'm a truck driver. Told him I wanted off of it completely. So he gave me a script for a lower dose because I had to be weaned off of it. I also wanted off the muscle relaxers because they weren't doing anything either. He offered valium! No thanks, I have random drug tests. He never offered any help, any other solutions or treatments. Never asked my symptoms. Just aggravated me that he was just a pill pusher. I don't want to be suppressed, I want to be healed dammit!
June 23rd, 2015, appointment for blood work at the healing center. I met with Ben the biologist. I had an idea of what we were going to do but not really sure of the details. We went into a small room with a few screens and a microscope. He put my blood on a bunch of glass that fits under the microscope. It's called Blood Cell Hemographics. They explain it, "Examination of both live and dry blood under a microscope can help pinpoint stressors that are impacting the body and also reveal how well the body's defenses are handling the impact. Areas of concern are often revealed before symptoms develop. These techniques can improve overall health and well-being in a simple, affordable method"
So the first thing he looked for was if I had any traces of bacteria for Lyme. There it was. He showed me on the screen, Borellia. I wasn't surprised after all I had read and all that was going wrong with me. But I was still unsure of this test. He continued and looked for everything else that could be wrong. I hadn't told them a thing about my health issues up to this point. As he looked at all the details over the 90 minutes it was like he was psychic. He would say I see this problem, do you know about that, yep. And it just went on and on. I strongly suggest everyone take this test if it's offered in your area. He told me a few things that I didn't know were wrong and now I can address them.
June 29th, 2015, appointment with Dr. Renee. She said she looked at my results and suggested I have the actual bloodwork done that is sent to Igenex, the only lab in the usa that tests for lyme. I agreed and since it was a monday their regular MD was there and he could help me get the ball rolling. I sat with him and filled out all the paperwork for my lyme test. I had to take all of it and go to a lab 40 mins from my house, but he had to fill out all the paperwork and give me the test kit. He tried to do muscle testing on me but my body wouldn't respond, he said I was "locked up".
July 6th, 2015, I found the time to make the 40 minute one way drive to get my blood drawn so it could be shipped to Igenex. Results in 2 to 3 weeks.
Received an email from the healing center that the areas only Lyme doctor would be at their location for free consulations so I made an appointment.
July 10th, 2015, My husband and I went to see the Lyme doctor. I wasn't impressed with him. He was odd. Said I could do antibiotics and herbal treatments, handed me a bunch of paperwork about all the herbs and vitamins I can take, and sent us on our way. I was completely confused. With all that I had read, I knew antibiotics weren't going to work this far along. Antibiotics will make the borellia hide and then it will come back. So why bother? So I looked over his list of stuff and started ordering things online.
Still confused on what to take, I knew better not to take it all at once. What if I was allergic to one item and I started 10 things at once? How would I know what was working and what wasn't? So I made another appointment with Dr. Renee.
July 13, 2015, doctor appointment with Dr. Renee. Told her how confused I was and about my appointment with the lyme doctor. I told her what I was currently taking and what I had ordered. She freaked. Told me not to start any of that and agreed with my theory on it all. I told her I did not want to do antibiotics, so since I made that decision did I even need to go see him. She said no and that she could treat me. Good deal! She's close, easy to get into and he was 45 minutes one way and weird! So what's the first step? She said she wanted to do a NAET treatment, 1st session. What is NAET? It stands for Nambudripads Allergy Elimination Techniques. It can be used for like 100 things, including Lyme. According to the pamphlet it says...
NAET is a synthesis of various medical disciplines such as allopathy, acupuncture, chiropractic, kinesiology, and nutrition. It stimulates pressure points along the spine from the neck to the sacrum while the patient is holding an allergen. After the treatment, a strong NST indicates that the allergy has been removed. Specific acupressure points are then massaged or acupuncture needles may be inserted for 20 minutes to stabalize the treatment. Avoid the substance for 25 hours. Allergens are treated and cleared one at a time in a specific sequence.
So, it sounds confusing as to why that would be used for Lyme, it's not an allergy. But I guess it will all be explained to me at my first treatment. 7/10/15. She also suggested RIFE. RIFE is a technology based on frequencies. There is a machine that puts out a frequency for every ailment. So I would be using the one for lyme and it's supposed to get rid of the borellia. Guess we'll find out! It all sounds crazy. We are all used to today's way of medicine, a pill for everything. Well I'm smarter than that. I know that our new way of medicine isn't working. It's not healing people, just suppressing it. For thousands of years herbs and diet were what cured people. Then along came magic pills. Easy and lazy.
I have changed my diet in the last week or two. I'm a vegetarian and have been for 5 years, but I eat fish and eggs. So I've cut back on my eggs and fish. I'm eating a lot more fruit and vegetables and trying to each as much organic as I can. Higher alkaline diet. Purchased a few books on alkaline diet and lyme diet. I'll get around to them eventually. One thing at a time. The hardest part is eating out. Like a religion we go to our favorite restaurant for breakfast Saturday and Sunday and I can't figure out what to eat there that is going to be on my "can have" list. So I just eat whatever. I'll figure that out in time.
June 16, 2015, the day after my visit with Dr. Renee, I had an appointment with my regular physician. I wanted so badly to discuss Lyme with him. Just to see what he had to say. Up to that point he had been nothing but a pill pusher. He loved writing scripts. So I told him Lyrica, the medicine for Fibro, wasn't working anymore. He wanted to up the dose, of course. I said we already tried that and it made me drowsy and I can't use medication that makes me drowsy because I'm a truck driver. Told him I wanted off of it completely. So he gave me a script for a lower dose because I had to be weaned off of it. I also wanted off the muscle relaxers because they weren't doing anything either. He offered valium! No thanks, I have random drug tests. He never offered any help, any other solutions or treatments. Never asked my symptoms. Just aggravated me that he was just a pill pusher. I don't want to be suppressed, I want to be healed dammit!
June 23rd, 2015, appointment for blood work at the healing center. I met with Ben the biologist. I had an idea of what we were going to do but not really sure of the details. We went into a small room with a few screens and a microscope. He put my blood on a bunch of glass that fits under the microscope. It's called Blood Cell Hemographics. They explain it, "Examination of both live and dry blood under a microscope can help pinpoint stressors that are impacting the body and also reveal how well the body's defenses are handling the impact. Areas of concern are often revealed before symptoms develop. These techniques can improve overall health and well-being in a simple, affordable method"
So the first thing he looked for was if I had any traces of bacteria for Lyme. There it was. He showed me on the screen, Borellia. I wasn't surprised after all I had read and all that was going wrong with me. But I was still unsure of this test. He continued and looked for everything else that could be wrong. I hadn't told them a thing about my health issues up to this point. As he looked at all the details over the 90 minutes it was like he was psychic. He would say I see this problem, do you know about that, yep. And it just went on and on. I strongly suggest everyone take this test if it's offered in your area. He told me a few things that I didn't know were wrong and now I can address them.
June 29th, 2015, appointment with Dr. Renee. She said she looked at my results and suggested I have the actual bloodwork done that is sent to Igenex, the only lab in the usa that tests for lyme. I agreed and since it was a monday their regular MD was there and he could help me get the ball rolling. I sat with him and filled out all the paperwork for my lyme test. I had to take all of it and go to a lab 40 mins from my house, but he had to fill out all the paperwork and give me the test kit. He tried to do muscle testing on me but my body wouldn't respond, he said I was "locked up".
July 6th, 2015, I found the time to make the 40 minute one way drive to get my blood drawn so it could be shipped to Igenex. Results in 2 to 3 weeks.
Received an email from the healing center that the areas only Lyme doctor would be at their location for free consulations so I made an appointment.
July 10th, 2015, My husband and I went to see the Lyme doctor. I wasn't impressed with him. He was odd. Said I could do antibiotics and herbal treatments, handed me a bunch of paperwork about all the herbs and vitamins I can take, and sent us on our way. I was completely confused. With all that I had read, I knew antibiotics weren't going to work this far along. Antibiotics will make the borellia hide and then it will come back. So why bother? So I looked over his list of stuff and started ordering things online.
Still confused on what to take, I knew better not to take it all at once. What if I was allergic to one item and I started 10 things at once? How would I know what was working and what wasn't? So I made another appointment with Dr. Renee.
July 13, 2015, doctor appointment with Dr. Renee. Told her how confused I was and about my appointment with the lyme doctor. I told her what I was currently taking and what I had ordered. She freaked. Told me not to start any of that and agreed with my theory on it all. I told her I did not want to do antibiotics, so since I made that decision did I even need to go see him. She said no and that she could treat me. Good deal! She's close, easy to get into and he was 45 minutes one way and weird! So what's the first step? She said she wanted to do a NAET treatment, 1st session. What is NAET? It stands for Nambudripads Allergy Elimination Techniques. It can be used for like 100 things, including Lyme. According to the pamphlet it says...
NAET is a synthesis of various medical disciplines such as allopathy, acupuncture, chiropractic, kinesiology, and nutrition. It stimulates pressure points along the spine from the neck to the sacrum while the patient is holding an allergen. After the treatment, a strong NST indicates that the allergy has been removed. Specific acupressure points are then massaged or acupuncture needles may be inserted for 20 minutes to stabalize the treatment. Avoid the substance for 25 hours. Allergens are treated and cleared one at a time in a specific sequence.
So, it sounds confusing as to why that would be used for Lyme, it's not an allergy. But I guess it will all be explained to me at my first treatment. 7/10/15. She also suggested RIFE. RIFE is a technology based on frequencies. There is a machine that puts out a frequency for every ailment. So I would be using the one for lyme and it's supposed to get rid of the borellia. Guess we'll find out! It all sounds crazy. We are all used to today's way of medicine, a pill for everything. Well I'm smarter than that. I know that our new way of medicine isn't working. It's not healing people, just suppressing it. For thousands of years herbs and diet were what cured people. Then along came magic pills. Easy and lazy.
I have changed my diet in the last week or two. I'm a vegetarian and have been for 5 years, but I eat fish and eggs. So I've cut back on my eggs and fish. I'm eating a lot more fruit and vegetables and trying to each as much organic as I can. Higher alkaline diet. Purchased a few books on alkaline diet and lyme diet. I'll get around to them eventually. One thing at a time. The hardest part is eating out. Like a religion we go to our favorite restaurant for breakfast Saturday and Sunday and I can't figure out what to eat there that is going to be on my "can have" list. So I just eat whatever. I'll figure that out in time.
First entry
Everyone keeps asking me questions about how I am doing and what is going on. I'm still learning myself. But it's hard for me to continually talk about it to everyone. If it's all I talk about then I can never escape it. I appreciate people asking all the time and understand everyone has questions. Thought maybe this would be a better way of letting everyone know what is going on. I will link each entry to Facebook or send it by email so you can all stay up to date on my journey.
With that being said, I didn't know a damn thing about chronic lyme disease. The majority of the people are in the same boat. All we know is that you get bit by a tick, get a bullseye rash, take some antibiotics, and then you are better. Well, that only works if you catch it right away.
My journey started about 10 years ago when I had this horrible migraine that would not go away. Light sensitive, joints hurt, nauseated, etc. I was taken to the ER and all they did was dish out some pain medication and do a CT Scan. The next day I went to my doctor for a follow up. I barely made it there alone. The doctor found me in a corner, lights out, covering my eyes and in tears. He immediately admitted me into the hospital and thought maybe it was meningitis or west nile. They ran every test known to man. Bloodwork, EEG, EKG, MRI, etc. They assigned a neurologist to me and he just put me on some meds and 24 hours later I was at home. I was off work for a month and in bed the whole time with my migraine. Finally it died down and I went back to work. The medication wasn't working and my doctor suggested another neurologist. In the meantime I did some research on my own on the internet. Put all my symptoms in and Fibromyalgia kept popping up. When I mentioned it to the neurologist he agreed, changed my medication and I started to feel better.
At the time I was extremely stressed out due to a new job that required a lot from me and a husband that was mentally abusive. Finally left the crazy ex and the stress seemed to disappear along with my good insurance. I could no longer afford the medicine I was on. Lyrica is extremely expensive so I decided to try and go without it. I did pretty good for a long time.
About 3 years ago my symptoms were back and seemed to be worse. Back on the Lyrica I went. My insurance was great so why not. It worked for a few years, not perfect but took care of all the nerve pain I had. I was blaming all my other pain on my job as a truck driver. For years I've been told to find another profession because my body can't handle it. Bouncing down the road, vibrations from the truck, and just stress from the job.
My symptoms were nerve pain, muscle weakness, muscle soreness, sore throat, low body temp with an occasional fever, all my major joints inflammed and swollen, foot pain, felt like arthritis in my hands, occasional twitch in my finger or face, panic attacks, headaches, sound sensitive, light sensitive, tingling in hands and feet, bee stings in random places, occasional tooth pain in different teeth, fatigue, can't lose weight, night sweats,....I could go on and on.
Not too long ago I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease. Under active thyroid. So I started medication for that and after several months nothing changed. In the meantime someone close to me, who wants to remain nameless, had also been suffering for a long long time from some mysterious illness. Been to countless doctors, all different kinds of doctors. Each one giving a different diagnosis, always puzzled but very willing to write a prescription. One diagnosis was Fibromyalgia, once upon a time. Until early this year, they ended up at a Naturopath doctor's office. It didn't take long to get the diagnosis of Chronic Lyme Disease. So I started looking into this disease. I knew Lyme Disease but not Chronic.
The more research I did on Chronic Lyme Disease the more frightened I got. I found a symptoms list and decided to print the list out and check off everything that I had. Out of the 60 symptoms, I had all but 12. Unbelievable. Why hasn't a doctor ever mentioned this before? I was pissed off because no one ever suggested testing for it.
Then I watched Under Our Skin. Documentary about Chronic Lyme Disease. Pissed me off even more and it all made complete sense. Chronic Lyme is the biggest epidemic in the USA and they are hiding it. If everyone knew about it and got tested for it, so many people would have it and it would bankrupt the system. They are being misdiagnosed with things like MS, Dementia, Parkinson's,'s a long list! The pharmaceutical companies are making a killing off all the prescriptions for all of THOSE diagnosis. The insurance companies will pay for regular Lyme, the antibiotics that will initially take care of it. But no one is allowed to say Chronic Lyme. It doesn't exist in the mainstream medical community. No one will touch it. They are afraid they'll be taken to court and lose their license. They can't make money off of it because there isn't a magic pill that will make it all go away or tame it. Who puts money in the politicians pockets? Lobbyists that work for pharmaceutical companies and lobbyists that work for insurance companies.
According to the CDC, every year 30,000 cases of Lyme disease are reported. "Preliminary results from three different evaluation methods suggest that the number of people diagnosed with Lyme disease each year in the United States is around 300,000". And they also stated that could actually be 1,000,000 people a year. If one million people a year got Lyme, everyone would have it within a matter of time.
You can take the blood test and it can come back negative. Take it again in a year and it's positive. The bacteria borellia hides in your body. Then it designs your very own customized nightmare. Everyone has a different journey with it. Some might have heart and joint issues. Others might have memory and muscle issues. The longer you have it the worse it gets. And it can kill you.
Please be tested! Don't see your regular doctor for the tests, go to a Naturopath (N.D.)
End rant for now. I'm going to document my treatment on my next blog entry. And will continue to do so as I go along. This journey has just be continued.....
With that being said, I didn't know a damn thing about chronic lyme disease. The majority of the people are in the same boat. All we know is that you get bit by a tick, get a bullseye rash, take some antibiotics, and then you are better. Well, that only works if you catch it right away.
My journey started about 10 years ago when I had this horrible migraine that would not go away. Light sensitive, joints hurt, nauseated, etc. I was taken to the ER and all they did was dish out some pain medication and do a CT Scan. The next day I went to my doctor for a follow up. I barely made it there alone. The doctor found me in a corner, lights out, covering my eyes and in tears. He immediately admitted me into the hospital and thought maybe it was meningitis or west nile. They ran every test known to man. Bloodwork, EEG, EKG, MRI, etc. They assigned a neurologist to me and he just put me on some meds and 24 hours later I was at home. I was off work for a month and in bed the whole time with my migraine. Finally it died down and I went back to work. The medication wasn't working and my doctor suggested another neurologist. In the meantime I did some research on my own on the internet. Put all my symptoms in and Fibromyalgia kept popping up. When I mentioned it to the neurologist he agreed, changed my medication and I started to feel better.
At the time I was extremely stressed out due to a new job that required a lot from me and a husband that was mentally abusive. Finally left the crazy ex and the stress seemed to disappear along with my good insurance. I could no longer afford the medicine I was on. Lyrica is extremely expensive so I decided to try and go without it. I did pretty good for a long time.
About 3 years ago my symptoms were back and seemed to be worse. Back on the Lyrica I went. My insurance was great so why not. It worked for a few years, not perfect but took care of all the nerve pain I had. I was blaming all my other pain on my job as a truck driver. For years I've been told to find another profession because my body can't handle it. Bouncing down the road, vibrations from the truck, and just stress from the job.
My symptoms were nerve pain, muscle weakness, muscle soreness, sore throat, low body temp with an occasional fever, all my major joints inflammed and swollen, foot pain, felt like arthritis in my hands, occasional twitch in my finger or face, panic attacks, headaches, sound sensitive, light sensitive, tingling in hands and feet, bee stings in random places, occasional tooth pain in different teeth, fatigue, can't lose weight, night sweats,....I could go on and on.
Not too long ago I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease. Under active thyroid. So I started medication for that and after several months nothing changed. In the meantime someone close to me, who wants to remain nameless, had also been suffering for a long long time from some mysterious illness. Been to countless doctors, all different kinds of doctors. Each one giving a different diagnosis, always puzzled but very willing to write a prescription. One diagnosis was Fibromyalgia, once upon a time. Until early this year, they ended up at a Naturopath doctor's office. It didn't take long to get the diagnosis of Chronic Lyme Disease. So I started looking into this disease. I knew Lyme Disease but not Chronic.
The more research I did on Chronic Lyme Disease the more frightened I got. I found a symptoms list and decided to print the list out and check off everything that I had. Out of the 60 symptoms, I had all but 12. Unbelievable. Why hasn't a doctor ever mentioned this before? I was pissed off because no one ever suggested testing for it.
Then I watched Under Our Skin. Documentary about Chronic Lyme Disease. Pissed me off even more and it all made complete sense. Chronic Lyme is the biggest epidemic in the USA and they are hiding it. If everyone knew about it and got tested for it, so many people would have it and it would bankrupt the system. They are being misdiagnosed with things like MS, Dementia, Parkinson's,'s a long list! The pharmaceutical companies are making a killing off all the prescriptions for all of THOSE diagnosis. The insurance companies will pay for regular Lyme, the antibiotics that will initially take care of it. But no one is allowed to say Chronic Lyme. It doesn't exist in the mainstream medical community. No one will touch it. They are afraid they'll be taken to court and lose their license. They can't make money off of it because there isn't a magic pill that will make it all go away or tame it. Who puts money in the politicians pockets? Lobbyists that work for pharmaceutical companies and lobbyists that work for insurance companies.
According to the CDC, every year 30,000 cases of Lyme disease are reported. "Preliminary results from three different evaluation methods suggest that the number of people diagnosed with Lyme disease each year in the United States is around 300,000". And they also stated that could actually be 1,000,000 people a year. If one million people a year got Lyme, everyone would have it within a matter of time.
You can take the blood test and it can come back negative. Take it again in a year and it's positive. The bacteria borellia hides in your body. Then it designs your very own customized nightmare. Everyone has a different journey with it. Some might have heart and joint issues. Others might have memory and muscle issues. The longer you have it the worse it gets. And it can kill you.
Please be tested! Don't see your regular doctor for the tests, go to a Naturopath (N.D.)
End rant for now. I'm going to document my treatment on my next blog entry. And will continue to do so as I go along. This journey has just be continued.....
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