Sunday, August 23, 2015

Cleared Calcium, Now Vitamin C

August 17th

I cleared the Calcium round finally.  This treatment was for Vitamin C.  I had to wear it for 25 hours.  I also saw Dr. Walker to recheck the areas that I used the "mud".  All worked except the back of my right hand so I'll have to put "mud" on my hand for 12 minutes. The biologist, Dr. Walker and Dr. Renee have constantly said that something is wrong with my right kidney.  Dr. Walker tested it and said that it's sensitive to metals.  I know for sure I'm allergic to nickel and chromium so he thinks those two plus others are causing problems with my kidney.  He was going to give me something but I waited to see Dr. Renee since she's been dishing out all the herbals and deciding what I can and can't take.  She ended up putting me on two tinctures: Hepata-chord and Rena-Chord.  Both are supposed to detox my kidney. And I have to drink at least one gallon of water a day.  That's a real challenge for me but I'm doing my best!  I seem to have more energy these days.  There for a while I would come home and take my work boots off and couldn't get out of the chair for 20 minutes.  Now I'm coming in the door and starting a load of laundry, cleaning something, washing dishes, etc.  I haven't had energy in a long time so this is a big step for me.  (8/22/15 - I pressure washed the deck and patio with lots of energy left!)  So I think we might be getting some where.  I'm not sure if it's the NAET or the herbs or both but I'm feeling 25% better?  If I could just lose some damn weight!

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