Sunday, September 27, 2015

Friday Visit Threw Me All Off!

Since my doctor is going away for 2 weeks for a course she wanted to check on me before she left since I started BLt (very strong stuff!).  First it made me sweat like a freak!  I seem to be doing better with it now.  I'm up to 9 drops 2x a day.  Fridays treatment was for Vitamin A and my emotion was Deprivation.  She asked me what I'm deprived of and I told her money haha. She tested me on the transfer factor.  I passed the test but my body did not want to do the medication yet.  I have to do another home treatment and this one is for lyme.  I have to do it 75 times before she gets back.  I can do it at my leisure, but they treatments have to be at least 30 minutes apart.  Ugh. I aslo have to do a full treatment of BBF, again where I hold it 6 times and do my acupuncture points, takes an hour.  I have a lot of homework.  Too bad I can't find the time or remember to do it when I do (stupid brain fog!).  Other than my muscles being sore from walking in Chicago yesterday and being tired, I feel ok today.  Today is the first day in several I haven't had a headache.  Yesterdays headache in Chicago wasn't nice.  And because I saw the doctor on Friday night I was all off balance.  I had to do my 2 hour treatments in chicago and on the train.  A security guard asked me if I was ok at the museum.  Embarassing!  No way could I explain this treatment to anyone and make them understand.  I'm doing my best in this journal.  Can't wait to do my blood work when they get back on the 9th.  Another friday session, that's gonna suck!  I hate doing my treatments on the weekend, I get side tracked even though I set my alarm.  

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