I received an email from a local healing center. For some time I had been interested in going there but kept putting it off. They seemed pricey but yet had acupuncture and I've always wanted to try it. This time when I received an email from them I knew all about Chronic Lyme. They were offering a free consultation with their Naturopath doctor. So I called and got in on June 15, 2015. Dr. Renee was timely and I appreciated that. She asked why I was there. Immediately when I started to tell her my symptoms I could see the look on her face change and it was like I knew what she was thinking. After I was done talking she said "I don't think you have fibromyalgia, I think it's something else. My suggestion is that you come in and see our biologist for a blood screen". I said, "Do you think this something else could be Lyme?" And she said yes. She gave me a bunch of literature on it and I told her all I knew and she seemed shocked and maybe impressed that I knew so much. Because of her reaction I just had to know. So I scheduled this blood test.
June 16, 2015, the day after my visit with Dr. Renee, I had an appointment with my regular physician. I wanted so badly to discuss Lyme with him. Just to see what he had to say. Up to that point he had been nothing but a pill pusher. He loved writing scripts. So I told him Lyrica, the medicine for Fibro, wasn't working anymore. He wanted to up the dose, of course. I said we already tried that and it made me drowsy and I can't use medication that makes me drowsy because I'm a truck driver. Told him I wanted off of it completely. So he gave me a script for a lower dose because I had to be weaned off of it. I also wanted off the muscle relaxers because they weren't doing anything either. He offered valium! No thanks, I have random drug tests. He never offered any help, any other solutions or treatments. Never asked my symptoms. Just aggravated me that he was just a pill pusher. I don't want to be suppressed, I want to be healed dammit!
June 23rd, 2015, appointment for blood work at the healing center. I met with Ben the biologist. I had an idea of what we were going to do but not really sure of the details. We went into a small room with a few screens and a microscope. He put my blood on a bunch of glass that fits under the microscope. It's called Blood Cell Hemographics. They explain it, "Examination of both live and dry blood under a microscope can help pinpoint stressors that are impacting the body and also reveal how well the body's defenses are handling the impact. Areas of concern are often revealed before symptoms develop. These techniques can improve overall health and well-being in a simple, affordable method"
So the first thing he looked for was if I had any traces of bacteria for Lyme. There it was. He showed me on the screen, Borellia. I wasn't surprised after all I had read and all that was going wrong with me. But I was still unsure of this test. He continued and looked for everything else that could be wrong. I hadn't told them a thing about my health issues up to this point. As he looked at all the details over the 90 minutes it was like he was psychic. He would say I see this problem, do you know about that, yep. And it just went on and on. I strongly suggest everyone take this test if it's offered in your area. He told me a few things that I didn't know were wrong and now I can address them.
June 29th, 2015, appointment with Dr. Renee. She said she looked at my results and suggested I have the actual bloodwork done that is sent to Igenex, the only lab in the usa that tests for lyme. I agreed and since it was a monday their regular MD was there and he could help me get the ball rolling. I sat with him and filled out all the paperwork for my lyme test. I had to take all of it and go to a lab 40 mins from my house, but he had to fill out all the paperwork and give me the test kit. He tried to do muscle testing on me but my body wouldn't respond, he said I was "locked up".
July 6th, 2015, I found the time to make the 40 minute one way drive to get my blood drawn so it could be shipped to Igenex. Results in 2 to 3 weeks.
Received an email from the healing center that the areas only Lyme doctor would be at their location for free consulations so I made an appointment.
July 10th, 2015, My husband and I went to see the Lyme doctor. I wasn't impressed with him. He was odd. Said I could do antibiotics and herbal treatments, handed me a bunch of paperwork about all the herbs and vitamins I can take, and sent us on our way. I was completely confused. With all that I had read, I knew antibiotics weren't going to work this far along. Antibiotics will make the borellia hide and then it will come back. So why bother? So I looked over his list of stuff and started ordering things online.
Still confused on what to take, I knew better not to take it all at once. What if I was allergic to one item and I started 10 things at once? How would I know what was working and what wasn't? So I made another appointment with Dr. Renee.
July 13, 2015, doctor appointment with Dr. Renee. Told her how confused I was and about my appointment with the lyme doctor. I told her what I was currently taking and what I had ordered. She freaked. Told me not to start any of that and agreed with my theory on it all. I told her I did not want to do antibiotics, so since I made that decision did I even need to go see him. She said no and that she could treat me. Good deal! She's close, easy to get into and he was 45 minutes one way and weird! So what's the first step? She said she wanted to do a NAET treatment, 1st session. What is NAET? It stands for Nambudripads Allergy Elimination Techniques. It can be used for like 100 things, including Lyme. According to the pamphlet it says...
NAET is a synthesis of various medical disciplines such as allopathy, acupuncture, chiropractic, kinesiology, and nutrition. It stimulates pressure points along the spine from the neck to the sacrum while the patient is holding an allergen. After the treatment, a strong NST indicates that the allergy has been removed. Specific acupressure points are then massaged or acupuncture needles may be inserted for 20 minutes to stabalize the treatment. Avoid the substance for 25 hours. Allergens are treated and cleared one at a time in a specific sequence.
So, it sounds confusing as to why that would be used for Lyme, it's not an allergy. But I guess it will all be explained to me at my first treatment. 7/10/15. She also suggested RIFE. RIFE is a technology based on frequencies. There is a machine that puts out a frequency for every ailment. So I would be using the one for lyme and it's supposed to get rid of the borellia. Guess we'll find out! It all sounds crazy. We are all used to today's way of medicine, a pill for everything. Well I'm smarter than that. I know that our new way of medicine isn't working. It's not healing people, just suppressing it. For thousands of years herbs and diet were what cured people. Then along came magic pills. Easy and lazy.
I have changed my diet in the last week or two. I'm a vegetarian and have been for 5 years, but I eat fish and eggs. So I've cut back on my eggs and fish. I'm eating a lot more fruit and vegetables and trying to each as much organic as I can. Higher alkaline diet. Purchased a few books on alkaline diet and lyme diet. I'll get around to them eventually. One thing at a time. The hardest part is eating out. Like a religion we go to our favorite restaurant for breakfast Saturday and Sunday and I can't figure out what to eat there that is going to be on my "can have" list. So I just eat whatever. I'll figure that out in time.